What kind of Blogger are you?
“If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough” - Oprah Winfrey
You’re probably looking at the title of this post thinking what is she talking about!
What does she mean by “what kind of blogger are you?”
But… knowing what kind of blogger you are will help you massively when it comes to the content you put out on your blog…
There’s a lot of things to think about when it comes to your “blogger type” and today’s post is going to be looking at some of the key questions which will really help you to focus and get to know what type of blogger you are!
By the end of this post you’ll have looked at:
What you want to get across to your readers
What motivates you to blog
Whether you can utilize your knowledge & skills within your blog
What your blog’s vision is
Writing techniques & what yours will be
How you feel about actually writing a blog post
The blogs you like to read & how this can help you with your own
The ways you like to share things with people
What problems there are in your niche & what solutions you can give
What you were like as a kid (trust me, this does help)
What your personality is like
What formats you can create content in
So let’s get started.
“Before we get stuck in, I need to let you know that this post may contain affiliate links throughout and if you make a purchase using one of my links, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you”.

How you are as a blogger & what you bring to the blogging table, is super important.
The questions we’re about to delve into will be key in terms of discovering yourself, who you are & where you fit into this pool of online craziness!
What are you wanting to get across to your readers?
First things first, we’re going to look at what you want to get across to your readers!
When you think about sitting down and writing for your blog, what are you wanting to say to people?
Are you wanting to give advice on something…
Are you wanting to teach something…
Are you wanting to share your experiences…
Whatever it is, you need to be clear in your intentions & the message you want to convey to your readers.
This will hopefully attract the right people to your blog.
What motivates you to blog?
Are you wanting to start a side hustle, which will eventually lead into a full time income, therefore relieving you of the pressures of the everyday 9-5 grind!
Do you want to use your knowledge & passions to help people? (i.e. to get fit, lose weight, become a better mum etc)
Do you want to earn money from your blog? (creating products & promoting affiliate products)
Do you want to blog as a hobby on the side, so you can share all the things you’re passionate about? (for example horse riding, gardening etc)
Think about what will get you up in the morning and write those blog posts…
Having a motivation & purpose to blog is really important in order to keep you moving forward & pushing through the tough times.
Do you have knowledge or expertise in something?
Have you had a job for years in which you have a ton of knowledge & can utilize that information into a blog for others to learn from?
Do you know loads on a particular topic and just want to be able to share it all with the world!
These are great things to start a blog in and help others along the way.
I don’t think people realize quite how many things blogs can be started on.
Literally anything really…
This kind of blog can build you up as an authority & the “go-to” person within your niche.
What’s your blog’s vision?
You need a vision for your blog…
Something which drives you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.
What’s important to you & what do you want to accomplish?
What goals do you have for your blog to reach?
Think about what aligns with your goals & why you are wanting to blog in the first place!
Is it to just make money & you’ll do anything to get there, or is it to have a real, true, passion-based blog, which will transform people’s lives with your help & guidance.
Knowing your vision means you can create the best blogging experience you can for your readers…
What kind of writing technique will you pursue?
When I think about my writing technique, I don’t really know what it is.
I just write how I write, which is free-flowing & as if I’m talking to my bestie, with a bit of an “explanation tone” thrown in now & then…
I talk like this too, so feel my writing is a natural part of who I am.
Why do people come to a blog?
People come to a blog to connect, to feel a certain way & usually, to get information on something in particular.
Readers want to build up trust with you, so they feel comfortable enough to come back again & again!
You need your writing to spark feelings in your readers & it has to create a connection.
People love blogs because of the connection they get… I love TwinsMommy because of this very reason. I love the connection I have with the blogger behind the blog because I resonate with her.
Write like you’re talking to a friend – warm & conversational.
Look at the points below, to get a feel for how you want your blog posts to look:
Do you want to keep them short & sweet?
Do you want to have long, in-depth posts, packed full of information?
Do you want to be formal or more conversational?
These are all things to think about when deciding what kind of blogger you’re going to be.
You want to keep your readers interested & entice them with your writing, as it will get your reader to the end of your post.
Also, think about what you want them to do once they get there…
Having a Call To Action (CTA for short) is extremely important at keeping them involved and getting them to take action on something.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure of how your writing’s going to be.
Just start writing & see how it feels...
The more you write, the more you’ll get a feel for your own, unique writing style.
It can take time for this to come, but don’t give up, as you’ll be writing amazing posts in no time!
What do you think about writing a blog post?
How does the process of writing blog posts make you feel?
Are you excited, apprehensive, freaked out or thinking about how you can monetize it (woohoo if you are, as this is a true business head blogger)?
The way you feel about writing your content is hugely impactful on the kind of blogger you are!
You may not be an awesome writer – and that’s ok because you can still make money & have a successful blog, even if you’re no J.K. Rowling (I’m certainly not).
You may be an amazing writer & love writing post, after post!
What I’m trying to say is, however you feel about writing & however good (or not) you are at it, you can still blog successfully because there’s more to blogging than just writing – a whole lot more…
The most important thing is to always make sure you’re giving huge value to your posts.
Writing can be improved the more you do it, but giving rubbish content, which doesn’t help anyone – is a big NO-NO!!!
What kinds of Blogs do you like to read?
Take a look at the kinds of blogs you like to read!
What types of blogs are you drawn towards?
What do you love about them?
What do you read them for?
What do you get out of them?
How do they make you feel?
Do they give you connection, curiosity, improvement, inspiration, escapism…
Knowing why you like to read the blogs you do will help you out with your own blog because you can include the things you love & leave out the things you don’t.
How do you like to share things?
When it comes to sharing information, how do you like to do it best?
Do you love to upload to Instagram or share in Facebook groups + forums!
Looking at the social media platforms you use can say a lot about you + the types of content you share.
I love Pinterest + Instagram – they’re my absolute fave platforms right now…
They’re both really visual platforms.
I love how you can share amazing images on Pinterest & all your fab stories on Insta…
Look at how you share things & what platforms you use & see how you can use these in your own marketing for your blog.
What problems are there that you can give solutions for?
This is a huge one to think about & is what drives blogging forward.
It’s the problems that people experience & need answers to.
They want a solution to that annoying thing that’s been bugging them for ages.
People come to blogs to look for help & advice.
Make sure you’re using your blog posts & content to solve those problems.
REMEMBER: You’ll never be able to solve all the problems and you’ll also come across a lot of problems you just don’t know the answers to.
Don’t try and give them an answer you don’t have a clue about – be resourceful & point them in the direction of a blogger who does or a tool/service which can help.
Being a successful blogger comes from being decent, honest & transparent!
Think about what you were like as a kid!
This was the one I said at the beginning of the post that would help (even though it seems a bit strange to think about this).
Thinking back to how you were as a kid could help mould who you are as a blogger.
Have a look at some of the examples below:
Were you a fun, crazy tomboy who lived in dungarees, jumped in muddy puddles & lived for the moment (this was me…)
Were you a caring, kind friend who everyone came to for advice & a chat when they needed to?
Were you the really well organised, get things done, methodical planner type…
OR – Were you creative, problem solving or loving being the centre of attention, performing your best shows in front of your family audience.
Whoever you were as a child, these traits can flow into your blog’s personality.
It’s definitely food for thought, so have a think about this…
What’s your personality?
How you blog depends on your personality.
What you’re like offline will 100% affect how you are online!
You want to share that beautiful personality with the world.
Take a look at how you are as a person. Are you:
Out there…
How would your friends describe you?
Your personality is a big part of your blog – in fact, it IS your blog!
Your personality is what brings your blog to life.
Be comfortable in your own skin & let your personality shine through in your blog content.
It’s who you are & if you try and be something you’re not, it will show badly in your writing.
Always be your true & authentic self.
What format do you like to create content in?
How do you like to create & deliver your content?
Do you love to write long, in-depth tutorials or how-to posts?
Is short, to the point guides more your thing…
Or maybe you love to showcase tons of beautiful images!
However you like to get creative with your content, you can get your style & points across.
Your blog is your blog & you can do whatever you want with it.
If you want tons of images, then you can.
In fact, I encourage images on your blog, because they bring it to life & give it emotion.
Just make sure you have a decent hosting plan which can deal with them, so the speed of your site isn’t affected.
So we’ve looked at some of the key questions to ask yourself when it comes to thinking about the kind of blogger you want to be.
Take an hour or two now to sit down & think about all the things we’ve covered in this post, along with:
What you want your blog to be!
How do you want to help people?
How do you want to portray yourself?
Why not check out my how to start a successful mummy blog post and start your blog today, if you haven’t already done so…