folder with sticky tabs for organisation

13 Tips and Tricks on How to Stay Organised as a Blogger in 2024

December 09, 202117 min read

“With organisation comes empowerment.” - Lynda Peterson

Working as a blogger can be tough and it’s important to stay on top of organisation if you want your blog to thrive and grow!

Organisation is a key part of blogging that many bloggers struggle with.

Between trying to come up with new content regularly, editing old content, and managing social media accounts; it’s hard to stay on top of everything that needs to get done.

Plus add in the fact we’re mums – well, I don’t even have to tell you how that limits our time, energy and adds even more frustration into the mix.

If you’re feeling like organisation is your biggest blogging struggle, these 13 tips and tricks on how to stay organised as a blogger should help you out!

We’ll talk about how organisation benefits bloggers in the long run and why taking care of yourself is so important for success.

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13 tips and tricks on how to stay organised as a blogger in 2022

Why can’t I stay organised?

There’s lots of reasons why people find it hard to stay organised.

For some, organisation comes naturally while others have to really work at it.

I’m pretty organised in most areas of my life, but it’s been a bit of a struggle when it comes to blogging around my boys, that’s for sure…

No matter which category you fall into, there are a few things that all bloggers can do to help themselves out.

One of the main reasons bloggers have trouble staying organised is because they don’t have a plan.

When you’re working on something without knowing what the end goal is, it’s easy to get side-tracked and lose focus and we need to focus, because as mums, it can be so hard to stay motivated and on track with anything…

When it comes to blogging, this is so true as there’s so many things that need to be done in order to keep a blog running smoothly, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

By taking the time to plan your content and schedule in advance, you’re making things easier on yourself in the long run.

How can organisation help me?

Organisation will help you by saving time and money – two things we all want to save on and if everything is managed properly, things won’t fall through the cracks.

It also helps keep ideas fresh and ensures that deadlines are met without too much stress.

Not to mention, organisation is essential for blogging success, which often comes down to how much you’re able to accomplish within a given time frame!

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t keep up, organisation is the answer.

It’s the key to a successful blog.

There are so many benefits to being an organised blogger, including:

  • Increased productivity and creativity

  • Easier time management

  • Fewer distractions

  • Improved work/life balance

  • Improved organisation skills that can be transferred to other areas of life…

When you can find things more quickly, this increases your efficiency levels and wastes less time.

Organisation often just means knowing what needs to be done and when, rather than wasting time on unimportant tasks or forgetting the important ones altogether.

It’s about making life easier in general.

Things like not forgetting appointments, finding things easily, and having everything in order, all add up to a better, more organised life.

Implement the above things and it will help you be more successful with your blog.

So let’s get into the 13 tips and tricks to staying organised that can help you massively when it comes to your blog and your life as a whole…

#1 - Use an Editorial Calendar

Using an editorial calendar to plan your content in advance is a fab way to stay on top of things.

An editorial calendar is basically a map of your content – it shows you when each post will go live, what the topic will be, and can even help with brainstorming ideas.

You can use a simple spreadsheet, planner, or even just a notebook.

It’s important to find something that works for you and utilize it daily so you don’t miss deadlines!

This will help you stay on track with your blogging schedule and will also help you stay inspired.

There are a number of different editorial calendar tools out there!

There’s the FREE Editorial Calendar plugin for WordPress, which helps to plan your blog posts in advance, as well as see what’s been published and when.

There’s also some paid subscriptions out there, such as CoSchedule.

If your budget allows it, CoSchedule lets you to plan your posts, social media updates and even team collaboration – all in one place!

You can see all of your content at a glance, plan ahead and schedule posts to go live at specific times!

Another great benefit is that you can sync your external calendars, so that everything can be easily accessed wherever you are, at whatever time…

As well as the pro subscriptions, they now have a forever free marketing calendar.

It has it’s limitations (as with most free products and services) but it still lets you do the basics.

forever free marketing calendar from CoSchedule

As organisation is the key to success for bloggers, then an editorial calendar should definitely be a part of your blogging routine.

Not only will it help you map out your content in advance, keep track of ideas and make sure you’re on top of deadlines, it’ll save you time and money by making sure you’re posting content at the right times…

If you don’t currently use an editorial calendar, I highly recommend giving it a go!

#2 - Keep a to-do list

Another great way to stay organised is by keeping a to-do list.

This can be a physical list or a digital one, whichever you prefer.

I like to use both – I use the notes app on my phone if I’m out and about and something pops into my head (or sometimes I email myself) but I also have a notepad at home, which I’m always jotting ideas and things down in.

A few of the cool digital tools you could use are:

These allow you to create multiple lists, share lists online and make managing tasks so much easier!

Keeping a to-do list is a must so you can prioritise tasks, set goals for yourself, and get everything done that needs to be done.

TIP: The important part is that you have easy access to everything related to your blog – including past posts, images, and documents you’ve used for research.

#3 - Have clear organisation methods for your blog posts

If you want to be an efficient and successful blogger, it’s important to have a system for how you organise your blog posts.

This could mean using different folders for things such as ideas, draft posts and final versions of posts, or having a specific folder on your computer desktop where everything is kept.

I like to use folders within my OneDrive account.

get onedrive account

I keep a separate folder for each blog post I write and then inside, it holds more folders including the info that relates to that post, such as the images/screenshots, blog post outline and the draft version.

blogging for mums draft blog posts onedrive folder

This really helps me to keep track of what I’ve already posted, prevents duplicate content, and makes it easier for me to find things when I need them!

Some other organisation tips for your blog posts could be:

  • Creating blog post categories for specific topics, so if someone is searching for something related to that topic they’ll be able to find it easily!

  • Creating a ‘blog posts to write’ list, with links to your drafts or ideas. This will help you stay on top of things and ensure that all those great ideas never get forgotten!

  • Have a “post ideas folder”.

  • Research and plan your blog posts out first.

  • Plan out what internal & external links you want to use.

  • Are there any affiliate links you’re going to be including. Get these together.

  • Write draft posts in separate documents (such as a Google doc or Word doc) for each post.

  • Tag posts by category or subject matter to make organisation easier when you’re looking for something specific.

  • Use folders on your computer’s desktop so everything is kept together.

  • Write down your blogging tasks and divide them into categories, so you can tackle them more easily and accomplish things faster! For example, if there are social media activities that need doing every day/week/month – include those in a separate list.

  • Schedule your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. This will help you keep track of what posts have been published and when. You can also schedule your social media activity for the day or week at the same time.

  • Make sure that your blog’s organisation reflects your personal organisational style. There is no “right” way to manage a blog, so do what works for you and your blogging style.

  • Don’t be afraid to outsource tasks when you need help! Sometimes it’s just easier to ask someone else than figure everything out on your own.

#4 - Keep a Blogging Schedule

Another way to stay organised as a blogger is by having a blogging schedule.

This doesn’t need to be anything too crazy, but it can be helpful to have an idea in your head of what you want to post and when.

Plan your blog posts for the month in advance and then work on scheduling your social media posts at the same time.

Depending on what niche you’re in, plan your blog posts around holidays or seasons.

For example, you could do a round-up of the best gifts to get that special person on Valentine’s Day or share your secret tips to getting your kids to eat healthy meals etc…

This not only helps with organisation, but it can also help to generate traffic as people are more likely to be interested in seasonal content.

You can then plan your other posts around this and you’ll have a general idea of what’s going up on your blog and when.

I always know what my next few blog post topics will be!

It can really help when you have a set date for publishing a post on a certain topic, as it makes the creative process easier knowing what you’re working towards.

Keeping a blogging schedule gives me the clarity of knowing what I’m doing most of the time…

Things come up, they always do in life and especially as a mum, but having a schedule I can refer to stops me feeling overwhelmed.

Just find what works for you and stick to it – consistency is the magic in blogging.

Some things you could include in your blogging schedule are:

  • Posting a certain number of times per week/month.

  • Having regular series or topics that you post about.

  • Guest posting on other blogs.

  • Doing interviews with people in your niche.

  • Hosting a giveaway or contest.

  • Doing a review of a new product or service.

  • Sharing your latest blog income report.

  • Writing about something personal that happened in your life.

  • Taking part in blogging challenges/groups.

#5 - How do I stay organised when actually writing posts?

Writing a blog post is often more complicated than it may seem – there are so many different things that need to come together, from your ideas and research through to organisation of notes.

As mentioned earlier in the post, using a blogging planner, or editorial calendar can really help you to stay organised.

This will keep all your ideas in one place and make sure that everything is consistent throughout the post.

It can also help to prevent you from duplicating content.

When it comes to the actual writing process, there are a few different things you can do to stay organised:

  • Start with a mind map.

  • Do your research and make sure you’re writing a helpful, valuable post.

  • Have a clear idea of what you want to say before you start writing.

  • Outline your post in advance to make sure you include all the information you want/need to cover.

  • Use headings and sub-headings to organise your thoughts and make the post easier to read.

  • Use bullet points when writing so it’s easier for people to read and understand what you’re saying. You can also add images or screenshots where relevant too, which will break up long sections of text.

  • Write in an informal tone of voice – this will help keep your readers interested and engaged.

  • Only write about topics that are relevant to your blog and niche (and interesting for your readers). Don’t allow yourself the temptation to write about something just because it interests you personally – always think about your target audience and what they’re interested in!

  • Use a thesaurus to find alternate words for things you may be struggling with.

  • Take breaks when needed – it’s impossible to write high quality content if you’re exhausted! (I talk more about taking breaks later on in the post).

#6 - Stay inspired

Organizing your thoughts and ideas is key to becoming a successful blogger, but don’t forget to take some time for inspiration as well.

This could be anything from reading other blogs, taking walks outside, or simply daydreaming about your next post idea.

When inspiration hits (either while you’re working or in the middle of another activity), write it down!

Seeing your thoughts in writing may make them seem more concrete and easier to work with.

That’s why a notebook always comes in handy.

This can be anything from a sentence to a full-blown blog post idea.

This also helps when it comes to the time for brainstorming new post ideas.

Keeping lots of inspiring ideas for the future is a must – plus you never know what you’ll come across…

The key is having access to your ideas and resources at a moment’s notice – this will help you stay on track for blogging success!

#7 - Have a blog post checklist

One way to make sure you’re hitting all the key points for a successful blog post is to use a checklist.

This could be something as simple as making sure you’ve included a catchy headline, images, and social media links – or it could be more in-depth, such as ensuring that your content is SEO-friendly and free of spelling mistakes.

Using a blog post checklist will ensure that even the smallest details don’t get lost in organisation!

Your Blog Post Checklist could include:

  • A catchy blog headline

  • Images and links to sources

  • SEO friendly content

  • Social Share buttons

  • Proofreading for grammatical errors or typos and this should include a second set of eyes.

All the above things should be included when putting your posts together!

#8 - Set proper working hours

Set proper working hours for yourself and try to stick to them as best you can.

Self-imposed deadlines and working hours can help with organisation (and motivation).

Plus – with children, you need to set aside time to blog when it suits you and your family!

This will change over time, as your kids get older and you have more time to dedicate to your blog, so be flexible with the times you do set and don’t panic if you aren’t sticking to it like glue… life happens!

Another great thing to do is utilize a timer – this is especially helpful for shorter tasks.

#9 - Take regular breaks!

Working for long periods of time without any down time can actually be counterproductive.

So make sure you take regular breaks when blogging!

Breaks can help refresh your mind and allow you to come back to your work with a new perspective.

Even if it’s just for five minutes, make sure you’re stepping away from your laptop, grabbing a healthy snack and stay hydrated.

Plus, it’s important to have some time for yourself!

The Pomodoro Technique

You could also try The Pomodoro Technique.

It’s a great way to break up your time and stay focused while working.

It’s as simple as setting a timer for 25 minutes, then taking a five minute break.

After four “pomodoros” (or 25 minutes), you take a longer break for 15-20 minutes.

Do this to stay focused and productive!

#10 - Track blog expenses

Another important organisation tip for bloggers is to track all your blog expenses.

Keep track of your blog-related expenses with a spreadsheet, in a separate document on your computer, or even just in a notebook.

This could include everything from the hosting plan you’re using, to the software you need, to the cost of any courses or eBooks you buy.

Tracking your expenses will help keep you accountable, help with budgeting and keep an eye on how much money you’re spending (and making) through your blog.

It can also be helpful when it comes to filing your taxes.

Set up an organisation system that works for you – this could include a physical filing cabinet or just a simple set of folders on your computer.

#11 - Post consistently

If you can post on a regular basis, it will help keep you on track and make sure that your readers know when to expect new content from you.

This doesn’t mean that you have to post every day or even every week, but try to have a regular schedule that you can stick to.

Write as often as you can!

If blogging is your passion, then it doesn’t really feel like work at all – just being able to share your ideas with the world should be enough of an incentive.

Blogging regularly helps build relationships with readers and is an excellent way to promote your blog.

People will begin to expect new content from you, and it’s a great feeling knowing that there are people looking forward to reading what you have to say!

Creating consistency in terms of when articles get published can help build readership (and trust).

#12 - Prioritise tasks

Prioritise what you need to get done, and work on the most important blogging tasks first.

Don’t try and do everything at once!

This can be a great organisation tip for bloggers who have multiple areas of their blog they want/need to update (including content and social media etc).

For example: if there’s a new post you want to write, make sure that’s your top priority and that everything else gets scheduled around it.

Or if you’re struggling to come up with new content ideas, then focus on brainstorming for a set amount of time each day instead of trying to do it all at once.

There’s no shame in admitting that you can’t do it all, and by prioritising your tasks, you’ll be able to get more done in a shorter period of time.

Overwhelm is a very real thing and one that can creep in when you’re trying to do too much!

#13 - Set realistic blog goals

Set realistic blogging goals for yourself, and work towards them gradually.

Focusing on small wins is a great organisation tip for bloggers, because it helps keep your motivation up and makes blogging feel achievable in the long term!

Ask yourself – What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

Are you looking to grow your readership, make more money or just have some fun writing articles?

Once you know what your goals are, it’s easier to create a plan on how to achieve them.

Break your goals down into smaller tasks, and set a deadline for each one.

Make sure to celebrate when you reach your targets – this will keep you motivated to work harder in the future!


I hope that somewhere in this post you’ve found at least one new thing you can try to stay more organised as a blogger…

There are countless organisation tips and tricks that can help make blogging a bit easier – but it’s important to find what works best for you, as we’re all different!

It may mean you have to try a few things out to see what works and what doesn’t.

Just remember – organisation is key for blogging success!

I'm a Mum to two beautiful boys, a very lucky wife (my hubby's the best) and I love reality TV (I know, I know🤪) reading crime fiction books📖and long walks in the woods🚶‍♀️🌿🍄I believe all mums have something amazing to share with the world, and a blog is an awesome platform to do that on, that's why I love sharing tips and strategies on how to start, grow and make money from blogging❤️


I'm a Mum to two beautiful boys, a very lucky wife (my hubby's the best) and I love reality TV (I know, I know🤪) reading crime fiction books📖and long walks in the woods🚶‍♀️🌿🍄I believe all mums have something amazing to share with the world, and a blog is an awesome platform to do that on, that's why I love sharing tips and strategies on how to start, grow and make money from blogging❤️

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